LinkedIn Basics: Getting the Most Out of Your Personal Profile

Posted by & filed under Branding, Consistency, Foundations, messages, positioning, Small Business Marketing.

For some years now LinkedIn has been know as the most popular professional network, now with over 225 million+ members. The benefits of using LinkedIn are widely published, but many people still struggle to get the most out of the social network.   LinkedIn should be treated like a networking event or conference – somewhere… Read more »

Not Enough Time Or Money For Marketing?

Posted by & filed under Challenges, Consistency, Foundations, Planning, positioning, Small Business Marketing, Strategic Marketing.

I’m still on a quest to find the biggest marketing challenge for business owners. Today I’m addressing the lack of time and money issue.   Challenge: Not enough time or money to spend on marketing   There’s no easy way to deal with this really, either it’s a priority or it isn’t. Having enough time and… Read more »