How to Package & Price Your Services So Clients Buy More & Stay Longer

Tuesday 25th June 2013, 1-2pm

Posted by & filed under Past-webinars, Uncategorized.

Join me as I interview straight talking Business Coach, Author & Speaker Griselda K. Togobo about the topic of one of her most successful books. Tuesday 25th June 2013, 1pm – 2pm REGISTER HERE Are you struggling for clients? Is your cash-flow up and down and mostly down. One of the ways to guarantee a…

The 5 Most Effective Ways To Attract The Right Clients

Tuesday 20th August 2013, 12-1pm

Posted by & filed under Past-webinars.

You know not all clients are good clients. Not all clients are right for your business. Oscar Wilde wrote: “The play was a great success but the audience was a total failure”. You must find the right clients to fit with the creativity, ambitions and values of your business. Having a clear understanding of who…

How To Become A Best-Selling Author

Tuesday 20th August 2013, 12-1pm

Posted by & filed under Past-webinars.

Contrary to popular belief having a best-selling book is not always down to luck or even the popularity of the author. There is a formula that is used by authors and publishing houses which when implemented properly will give you phenomenal results! Most people know now that writing a book is one of the best…

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