Choice Anxiety…?!

OK, I’ll be the first to put my hand up and say I had never heard of this term, until I started researching the content for my next workshop.


You get a sense for what it is just in the name…


Essentially its what consumers (that’s me and you) feel when we are given so many options that we can’t make a decision.


You know… you’re in the biscuit aisle at your local Tescos for 30 minutes trying to quickly pick up a little something because you have the munchies… choice anxiety!


In today’s global, digital and entrepreneurial world people have limitless options open to them in almost every area of their lives.


As businesses our main goal is essentially to eliminate choice. We want consumers (or other businesses) to come directly to us, and not to our competitors when making a purchasing decision.


OK, so maybe not completely eliminate choice, that would leave a few very large companies effectively running the world. But we want to be the first business our clients consider when making that specific purchasing decision.


We want to simplify the buying decision.


This is exactly what branding does.


Successful brands are almost always first choice.


You need a new laptop, which brand first comes to mind?


Building a successful brand means doing a few things very well…

  • It starts with positioning – what is your point of difference? That should be the focus of all your marketing activity
  • A promise well kept – delivering on what you say you will deliver results in brand loyalty
  • Branding happens from the inside out – clarity within your business on your point of difference results in clarity outside your business on your points of difference
  • Consistency builds brands – not only consistently delivering your promises, but also visual and message consistency
  • Brands live in customers’ minds – all of this helps but at the end of the day it’s the customer that makes the brand through their actions of engagement.

I’m running a Branding & Positioning Your Business for Growth workshop on the 19th March where I’ll be working with business owners on how to really create standout with their business, from the inside out, and attracting the high value clients they want. Why don’t you join us?



Categories : Branding, Challenges, Consistency, Planning, positioning

2 Responses to “Choice Anxiety…?!”

  1. admin

    Great post Andrea. I ALWAYS have choice anxiety. I’m terrible. Thats why I now hate shopping. Small businesses need to work harder to develop brands that we’ll know and love so that we can pick them out instead of the big names. I think one way to do that is to stand for a cause and to have “soul” in your business and marketing. Your event looks great would have loved to attend.

  2. admin

    Thanks for your comment Griselda! I believe a lot of businesses have soul, but have trouble getting that ‘soul’ across to their clients. Shame you can’t attend the workshop but thanks for retweeting it


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